Cindy Dunphy of Seven Stars Farm with her Jersey Girls.

Cindy Dunphy of Seven Stars Farm with her Jersey Girls.



(7.5 miles)

Owned and operated since 2014 by the Dunphy family, Seven Stars Farm is a biodynamic, certified organic dairy that has been producing quality yogurt for 30 years. Recently, they have expanded into making cheese, and we are thrilled to stock all their products.

As a biodynamic farm, we look at the relationship of the soil, plants, and our animals as an interconnected one. A quality final product begins with a well-balanced farm. By maintaining healthy and nutrient-rich soil that in turn provides the lush grasses that our cows rely on to produce their protein-rich milk, we can continue to make organic yogurt that makes our customers happy.

Click here for more information on the benefits of biodynamic agriculture.